I love this girl so much!
Mary Jane is the love of my life.
I was very bitter when I began this blog.
My original intention was to smear her name with it.
I can not do it! I love her too much.
With this page I honor her.
I am not sure if she deserves all of this energy.
Nonetheless, I remember her fondly.
I come here to commune with her.
I swore that I would never love anyone ever again. It hurts too much when they die, leave me, or disappoint me. Mary Jane came along just when I was doing fine and having a great relationship with myself. She was beautiful. I was blinded by her striking green eyes that squint when she smiles, her long fine brown hair, and her gentle nature. She was my reward for my accomplishments of the past year. I fell so in love with her that I wanted to marry her. I was prepared to deal with everything that her chaotic little self could dish out to me. I should have seen the red flags. Huge crimson flags waving mightily in the turbulent wind warning me of the danger ahead. How could a girl who had known me for only two days possibly tell me that she loves me, and that I would be her's and she would be mine forever? She wanted me to get her pregnant. I spent the whole day before Valentines Day shopping for presents for her. I called her on Valentines Day and she didn't answer her phone. She finally called me back and told me that she couldn't answer her phone because she was with her sugardaddy. She couldn't tell him about me because he would cut her off. I was destroyed! I was supposed to deal with this. We were together for only two months. She called me a low-level sugardaddy. I felt like I wanted to kill her but I don't have it in my heart to hurt anyone. Instead, I went into a hospital to be treated for depression. I have been in mourning for over a year. I have to get on with my life!
One October night, two beautiful young ladies came into the store and spent six hundred dollars between them. They paid with brand new, very crisp twenty dollar bills. I was a little hesitant to accept the money since I had my doubts about its authenticity. I examined it carefully, but discreetly, deemed it okay, and started to count out their change."...and here is sixty nine for you." "Don't tease me like that!" "I'm not teasing." This little exchange with Mary Jane changed my life forever, and that's not very long when you're my age. After they left, I looked at the money again before placing it in the strong box in the office. It was fine, but there was a peculiar energy on that money.
Shortly before closing time on New Year's Eve, Mary Jane came into the store alone. She wanted to buy a wand that she had seen on that October night. She asked me if I remembered her and I told her, "Yes, you’re the sixty-nine girl, and you have a new tattoo!" She laughed and bought the wand; of course I gave her my discount, but she didn't leave. We talked for a while, went outside to smoke a cigarette together, she hung out a little longer and then told me that she had to go home. I had a nice time with her; it felt right. She gave me her telephone number and I walked her to the door. I extended my hand and told her how pleased I was to have met her."Oh come on, I don't get a hug?” she asked. It was a great hug. She is very soft.
As I was getting ready to close, I called her to see if she had left the area yet. She was in the courtyard of the club across the street. We had some pizza and an apple beer that tasted terrible. I asked her if she had ever heard the song "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles. She said that she had and I took her hand in mine. I asked her to come home with me and she did. I didn't even try to have sex with her that night. I was enjoying her company. The next morning we made arrangements to meet again on my day off. The following day she came to work with me. I had the feeling that we were going to be inseparable.
She stayed for four days.
We were already about a week into the relationship when I finally got around to asking her what she did for a living."BDSM"..."No sex?" I asked. "If they ask for sex, I take their money and whip their asses!" Like an idiot, I believed her.